FAQ: Summer Camps

Registration + Enrollment


Can I sign my child up for 2 half day camps so that they can be at Bad Dog Arts all day?

Yes! You can sign your student up for an AM camp and a PM camp to make it an all day camp. You’ll just need to register for both camps. Camper will need to bring a lunch and water bottle, remember we’re a NUT FREE space, and anything else they might need for the day such as sunscreen, sun hat, etc.

What paper work is required to enroll?

Completed registration forms are required when signing up your student for a summer camp online. Registration forms include important information such as emergency contacts, allergies, medical issues, etc.


Do you have a registration deadline?

Camp registration closes one week prior to each session so that we can prepare supplies and other important camp information.

May I enroll my child for a camp outside their age group?

Lessons for each camp are developmentally appropriate. We have found that children have the best experiences at camp when they participate in camps at their age level and interact with other children their age. In the best interest of everyone we adhere to the ages for each camp and do not make exceptions.